
Pricing - Choose Your Plan

Experience Next-level Logistics with Shiplee

Bronze Plan
If you ship up to 60 shipments a month
  • Rs 32 /500gms
  • Lifetime free support
  • 1 Sales Channel Integrations
  • Live Rate Calculator
  • Automated Shipment Tracking
  • Multiple Pickup Address
  • B2B Shipping
  • NDR Management
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Standard Plan
If you ship up to 300 shipments a month
  • Rs 26 /500gms
  • Lifetime free support
  • All features of Bronze
  • 2 Sales Channel Integrations
  • Shiplee Track - Branded Tracking Page
  • NDR Call Centre (One to One)
  • Return Management
  • Customized Packing Slips
Get Started
Bronze Plan
If you ship upto 1000 shipments in a Month
  • Rs 19/500gms
  • All features of Standard
  • All Sales Channel Integrations
  • Shiplee - Auto Address Validator
  • Shiplee - RTO Predictor
  • Shiplee - Catalog Ordering
  • Shiplee - Instant Financing
  • Shiplee - Same-Next Day Delivery
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Superior Features To Launch Your Business Growth

RTO Predictor

Utilize AI to predict and reduce RTO, enhancing customer satisfaction and retention.


Choose Postpaid to enjoy COD remittance as shipping credits, uninterrupted shipping, and transparent reconciliations.

Courier Recommendation Engine

Choose the right courier partner based on cost, estimated pickup time, service quality, and delivery performance.

NDR Automation

Reduce your RTO by empowering your buyers to take action on undelivered shipments.

Social Ordering Direct System

Streamline order placement through social channels, enhancing direct customer engagement.

Address Validator

Ensure accurate deliveries with real-time address verification and validation.

All Our Plans Include the Essentials

Advanced Reporting
Real-Time Data Sync
Efficient Logistics
Cost Savings
Customer Engagement
Market Analytics
Secure Transactions
Automation Tools
Compliance Management